Use "level-headed|level headed" in a sentence

1. Simon is level-headed and practical.

2. Suspect is headed to suspension level three.

3. He is a trustworthy and level-headed leader.

4. He had a level-headed approach to financial matters.

5. A good pilot needs to be calm and level-headed.

6. Far from being a dreamer, she's a level-headed pragmatist.

7. His level-headed approach suggests he will do what is necessary.

8. Kevin was always level-headed with both feet on the ground.

9. In the face of all this, public opinion has remained remarkably level-headed.

10. So long as we keep level-headed, there is no cause for alarm.

11. Each affiliated agency is headed by a vice-minister-level commissioner except Prosecution Service which is led by a minister-level Prosecutor General.

12. This last section is the most level-headed assessment of the topic that I have read.

13. A few weeks later we returned, this time with a third friend, a very level-headed girl.

14. He was said to be level-headed and unlikely to be affected by a few fancy words.

15. Chairperson is a calm, level-headed, responsible, and well-behaved person; but when alone, she is quite timid

16. Britain is in an economic mess and we need level-headed, responsible leaders to pull us out of it.

17. A few weeks later we returned, this time with a third friend,[sentence dictionary] a very level-headed girl.

18. Did this and similar comments represent a lack of faith in his abilities or a level-headed assessment of them?

19. Angered Arakkoa Protectors are hostile level 63-64 two-headed ghost vultures summoned by several arakkoas in Blade's Edge Mountains

20. Both a satiric and level-headed slant on collegiate life and big-time sports, Bookies is an eye-opening amusement

21. I headed over to my Civic and headed north.

22. The Colonel's cool compassion showed his command of the situation: no moment of fury distorted his fearless and level-headed view.

23. Hopefully, some of the more level-headed members of the council can prevail and make the Boom Town fiasco a bust.

24. When he had gone she faced things all over again, glad to have the advice of some one so level-headed.

25. PARENTAL ANXIETY Thinking about what could happen to your child is enough to send the most level-headed parent into overprotective mode.

26. Two-headed coin.

27. 23 PARENTAL ANXIETY Thinking about what could happen to your child is enough to send the most level-headed parent into overprotective mode.

28. 7 synonyms for Airheaded: empty-headed, featherbrained, giddy, lightheaded, light-headed, silly, dizzy

29. I'm getting light-headed.

30. Bicapitate: adjective Two-headed

31. Over, headed your way!

32. We headed further inland.

33. Where are you headed?

34. Warm - hearted but soft - headed, maybe: but better than being cold-hearted and hard - headed.

35. Where should you be headed?

36. Brachycephalic definition is - short-headed or broad-headed with a cephalic index of over 80.

37. I know where Ty's headed.

38. We're headed to natural gas.

39. The ball headed towards me.

40. Sherri Goodman headed the project.

41. He headed towards the station.

42. Gaining strength, Mitch headed north.

43. Amphisbaena, the Two-Headed Dragon

44. "Hoopster Stephenson headed to Cincy".

45. He headed toward the station.

46. He's headed to the basement.

47. Be wary headed in, rodent.

48. You stupid, birdbrained, flat-headed...

49. The Queen's carriage headed the procession.

50. Blennies are long, blunt headed fish

51. 1 word related to Bicephalous: headed

52. Drona Automations Team headed by Mr

53. You jiggle-headed blob of mischief!

54. Keep the cattle headed due east.

55. The train headed out of Athens.

56. A useful, sensible, hard-headed man.

57. 16 Let us be clear-headed.

58. Headed to rooftop marked by flare.

59. We're headed for the drop-off!

60. He headed us abolishing the slavery.

61. The unit headed by Sergeant Bell.

62. He headed for the bus stop.

63. The police headed off the traffic.

64. A band headed up the parade.

65. She headed for the nearest exit.

66. I'm headed out after the aether.

67. Listen up, you bald-headed fag.

68. Eventually I headed to the east.

69. We headed south towards the capital.

70. He headed downhill towards the river.

71. Cordillera Azul Antbird: Streak-headed Antbird: Peruvian Warbling-Antbird: Scale-backed Antbird: Spot-backed Antbird: Spot-backed Antbird: Stripe-headed Antpitta: Stripe-headed Antpitta: Stripe-headed Antpitta: Ochre-fronted Antpitta: Ochre-fronted Antpitta: Ochre-fronted Antpitta: Ochre-fronted Antpitta: Ochre-fronted Antpitta: Ochre-fronted

72. How did the “leopard” become four-headed?

73. You are so stubborn and hard-headed.

74. 20 He nodded miserably and headed north.

75. He turned and headed for the door.

76. Black-headed Antbird (Percnostola rufifrons), version 1.0

77. The chapter was headed 'My Early Life'.

78. Our mission accomplished, we headed for home.

79. Acanthocephala Diesing, 1858 Common names Kradsere in Danish acantocéfalo in Portuguese acantocéfalo in Portuguese spiny-headed worms in English spiny-headed worms in English thorny-headed worms in English

80. Baldpate (plural Baldpates) A bald-headed person